letter to the editor

Let’s return Hawke to Augusta

Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    There was a notice on Facebook this past week that read: Stephanie Hawke must Go!

    This was in response to her vote during a recall of the legislature to Augusta to vote on vetoed bills by Governor LePage.

    This was and is a bad bill. It was a bill that did not  give additional aid to the needy and those suffering in our state, single parents, children, illness, disability and other cases of hardship. It was a bill to allow those that are able to work, but choose not to do so, to get on the welfare rolls in our state. The dictionary states that aid is help; welfare is government-funded aid. Are we a welfare state? Get the bill, read the bill and understand the meaning of this bill.

    Stephanie represents us all in Augusta, the Independents, Democrats and Republicans. She is well known and respected by both sides of the aisle. She knows how to work with people to get things done. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and friends to many. She works tirelessly as a business owner, member of the school board, dedicated member of Rebuilding Together group, the Windjammer Days committee and chef extraordinaire at the Legion hall on Sundays. When asked, she never says no to any issue. Always with a smile.

    Stephanie deserves our votes. We need to return her to Augusta in November to the House of Representatives.

    “Hawke for the House”

    Stephanie Hawke must stay!

    Laura Honey

    Boothbay Harbor