letter to the editor

Young people: stay the course but be patient

Mon, 04/02/2018 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

In support and solidarity with the kids from Parkland, I attended the “March for Our Lives” in Damariscotta. It was quite heartening to see others from our peninsula and witnessing the streams of people coming to stand on the bridge to say they believe in action to bring sensible gun control to protect the safety of our children. The count was 232 people. Most of those who drove by waved, gave a thumbs up or blew their horns. Of course, there were a few who obviously disagreed, but were respectful all the same, except for one man in a truck that sped recklessly by, endangering pedestrians and other cars.

Many more of our residents were attending the March in Brunswick and Portland. It is our youth that will bring about change and they soon will be of voting age. The event reminded me so much of anti-war protests during the Vietnam War, when the movement was led by the young.

To all the youth I say, persist, it will take all your courage and stamina; be patient, legislative change takes time; know there will be threats to your well-being, report them to the authorities; stay the course and lobby locally and nationally; ask your representatives to put forth reasonable bills, such as universal background checks, no allowed gun purchase if on the no-fly list or a domestic abuser, ban bump stocks, ban military weaponry.

Our children's lives are more important than having fun with a military weapon.

Bonnie Ginger
