Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD Board of Trustees

Trustees get Lewis and Malm update, talk carpets, Perkins Field

Sun, 12/08/2019 - 10:00am

    Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD Board of Trustees discussed Perkins Field, Boothbay Region High School library carpeting and more Dec. 4. Lewis and Malm Architects’ Charles Earley briefed the board on plans for new fire doors, safety and security details and budget savings by leaving the oil tank for now and scrapping the BRHS entrance upgrade.

    Superintendent Keith Laser reminded Earley and the board the entire loan must be spent.

    “What happens … if the estimator says 'It looks like you guys are on track for $200,000 in the black?' Do we then revisit some items or add some items? Or is it too late at that point,” Laser asked.

    “It is never too late,” Earley said. He explained, if there was a surplus in a re-estimation of the projects, Lewis and Malm might suggest looking at lobby heating in Boothbay Region Elementary School.

    Earley said, within the scope of the projects, there is not much room to make anything an alternate bid item. The only wiggle room would be the allowances the firm built in; any further scope added would be by addendum. However, Earley also said he would be surprised if a re-estimation yielded significant funds.

    Alternative Organizational Structure (AOS) 98 Facilities and Transportation Director Dave Benner said he, CSD Director of Security Kyle Canada and field hockey coach Donna Jordan inspected the field hockey field again. Benner said the frost heaves make the issue look worse than it is, but the field will need work to make it safe and playable. The field was a dumping site for organic matter when BRES was built, Benner said.

    “Lord knows what's under that … There definitely are some dips and valleys. There are a couple options. The cheap option is you go in and take the topsoil off and regrade it and either roll grass back or plant grass. The other option is you put drainage in and rebuild the whole playing surface.”

    Benner is pursuing estimates for both options so the board can decide.

    Trustees were happy with the result of the cleaning BRHS’ library carpet got Nov. 20 and agreed with Benner the 27-year-old carpet can wait to be replaced. The board had budgeted $20,000 to replace it.

    Laser said the master plan subcommittee will meet at the Superintendent's office at 2 p.m. Dec. 11 and present its plan of action; however, Laser said just by talking to them he got the impression it will take about a year to finalize a plan.