There’s something for everyone on Monhegan Island

Thu, 07/27/2023 - 8:00am

    The natural beauty of Monhegan Island awaits on Balmy Days’ Monhegan Cruise. Take the 1.5-hour trip aboard the Balmy Days II to experience the breathtaking scenery that has attracted artists and nature lovers from around the world. Visit for a day or stay overnight at one of the island’s accommodations. The optional half-hour “Trip Around the Island” tour also provides a view of the highest cliffs in Maine, as well as occasional whale and seal sightings on the Duck Rocks.

    “I think it really should be on everybody's bucket list,” said Kelly Campbell of Balmy Day Cruises.

    12 miles off coast, Monhegan is a year-round home to fewer than 65 residents, many of them fishing families, and has no cars or paved roads. Instead, the walkable island boasts 17 miles of hiking trails through natural wooded areas with spectacular cliff-side views of the Atlantic Ocean. Some trails have fairy houses for small visitors to enjoy. Bird-watchers will appreciate the variety of warblers, thrushes, vireos and flycatchers that migrate to the island every year. Trail maps are available in most shops. 

    Monhegan has an inn, several art galleries, shops, a Lighthouse Museum and a shipwreck to explore. Enjoy a leisurely lunch at one of the cafes or visit Monhegan Brewing Company for local fine craft ale. 

    There’s an experience for everyone, no matter the age, Campbell said.“(Monhegan Island) is just so varied and it really can be as active or as inactive as you want it to be.”

    Cruises are offered daily from early June to early October. “Trip Around the Island” is offered until mid-September; dates may vary. Find more information at or call (207) 633-2284.