letter to the editor

Taking a closer look

Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:15pm

Dear Editor:

Failed nations fall into ruinous debt by spending more than their economies allow. As America’s unfunded federal liabilities continue to surge with the Covid-19 bailouts, our politicians seem oblivious to the inherent peril, mainly because their most reliable lender has for years been content with American promises to pay at some future date. Ominously though, China has managed over decades to gain significant control over American public infrastructure and essential pharmaceuticals, among other things, and so the U.S. is already skating on thin ice. 

Additionally, America’s entitlement system by design is ever-expanding as more dependent people are provided taxpayer-funded paychecks, health care, pensions, employment, tuition, and so forth, while fewer workers remain to generate taxable income. As debt increases, taxes must eventually increase to levels at which businesses struggle to hire, and consumers can no longer afford necessary goods and services. Essentially, when spendthrift governments run out of things to tax, everything put together falls apart. Whither capitalism, or is that the ultimate goal of our spendthrift politicians to begin with?

And so, should we allow this obviously contrived Covid-19 calamity to continue forcing an indefinite shutdown, or should we begin opening our fabulous free market economy while unfortunately risking lives along the way?

Do not be taken in. A good life includes taking risks. They want your money, your votes, and your rights, in that calculated order, and after all, your children’s freedoms and futures are much more important than anyone’s political agenda.

Aren’t they?

Phil Molvar
