Sunshine all the way for Friends of Thai Daughters’ Sunflower Celebration

Thu, 07/20/2023 - 8:30am

    The sun shone on this year’s Sunflower Celebration held by the Trevett-based non-profit Friends of Thai Daughters, which pulled off a record-breaking fundraiser to help realize its aim of protecting girls and young women at risk of being trafficked in Northern Thailand.

    Amazingly, this summer’s elusive sun came out for all three days of the scheduled program, which kicked off with a pre-event gathering on Barters Island for out of town visitors. This was followed by the fundraiser itself, hosted by Kate and Bob Horgan at their East Boothbay home, and finished up the next day with a Cabbage Island Clambake which provided the perfect Maine finale.

    More than 125 guests came from near and far to attend the Sunflower Celebration and enjoyed a delicious Asian-inspired buffet laid on by East Boothbay General Store. Also on the menu were some very creative cocktails and a wonderful raw oyster bar kindly donated by Norumbega Oysters.

    Three generations of Thai Daughters attended the event and spoke very movingly about what the organization has meant to them and their families. The goal of this year’s celebration was to raise enough money to break ground for a new building in Chiang Khong. The Jasmine Farm will replace the current accommodation which is currently home to 15 Daughters.

    The evening included an auction of fabulous holiday prizes which prompted plenty of enthusiastic bidding in the room. Thanks go to Captain Brad Collins, who donated two sunset cruises aboard his ocean trawler, Mischief; and to Mark Osborn and Buzz Makarewicz, owners of the Topside Inn, who donated two VIP weekends for two. Thanks also go to the Midtown Motel and Darcy and Country Coach Charters for their kind donation and their great service.

    FTD co-founder Jane McBride said the fundraiser had been one of their most successful yet, thanks to the generosity of guests, donors and volunteers alike: “We’d like to thank everyone who gave so generously of their time, effort and gifts. Every bit helps us achieve our aim of providing a safe, stable and enduring home for our Thai Daughters. We couldn't do it without you!”

    To find out more about Friends of Thai Daughters, along with all their latest news, go to their website at