letter to the editor

Stolen political signs

Mon, 10/15/2018 - 7:45pm

Dear Editor:

Last night (Oct. 11) someone stole 8 of our 9 political candidate signs from the front of our home here in Boothbay. This is the second time since 2016 that this has occurred. Since the signs supported Stover, Fortman, Pingree, and King and since all of neighboring Republican candidate signs have remained untouched, it is extremely doubtful that Independents, Democrats or even petty vandals were guilty of this.

Without evidence, I will not condemn all Republicans, but one can easily guess which political group's follower I strongly suspect. As happened then, I have called the Sheriff's Department, but would expect that nothing can be done as the thief who do this, acted at night.

We moved here 15 years ago seeking an area where conduct in a community was civil and respectful of all American values and principles, including non-extremist political views. Sadly we are coming to the point that this may no longer be that type of community and are giving serious thought to going elsewhere. This may happen despite the fact that at least the thief who took these signs would probably be happy to see folks like us leave. That way they can continue their repulsive actions in peace and quiet.

Mike Loewe
