Southport planning board agenda

Sat, 11/27/2021 - 12:45pm

Southport Planning Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Dec. 1 at Town Hall immediately following the public hearing, which starts at 5 p.m. The agenda for the regular monthly meeting is:

1.  Call to order
2.  Approval of November minutes
3.  Action, if any, based on input from the public hearing for the proposed amendments to the Cluster Housing section of the Southport Land Use Ordinance
4.  Consideration of an application for a building permit for Peter and Kerri Walcott, 56 Blair Road, Map 12 Lot 13. Re-construction of an existing non-conforming structure partly in the 75-foot zone.
5.  Any new business
6.  Adjournment

The public is always welcome at planning board meetings. Masking for the unvaccinated will be required and social distancing must be maintained.