Southport Column: Reports from around the island

Fri, 11/29/2019 - 8:45am

From Susan Quimby comes the news that Dick Snyder, a longtime Southporter now living in Boothbay, had a fall recently and is currently recovering in Maine Medical Center in Portland, with a transfer to rehab expected shortly. Dick is maintaining his usual sense of humor and welcomes your good thoughts, cards, and well wishes. Susan will be visiting Dick’s interim digs with home-baked chocolate chip cookies and festive holiday room decor. You may send him cards at his home address of PO Box 83 Boothbay, ME 04537. Best wishes for a quick recovery, Dick.

From Helen Meserve comes the sad news that Barbara Bruno, long-time resident of Southport, died peacefully in her sleep on Nov. 6, just one month short of her 93rd birthday. Barbara and her husband, Gerry, enjoyed more than 50 years of happy times on their Hunting Island in Newagen Harbor. A funeral will be held on Saturday, Nov. 30, at 11 a.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Damariscotta. All who knew and loved her are invited to attend. An obituary appeared in the Boothbay Register’s Nov. 14 edition.

Sandra Seifert sends this Southport Memorial Library news that the library is recovering from the loss of its computers during the recent wind storms. She thanks everyone for their patience as they use alternative ways to check out books and check them back in. Now they are checking return lists to make sure that all books, audio books, and CDs and DVDs have been returned. If you’ve driven to your winter home with any of the above, Sandra asks that you return them to the library by mail. The PO Box is 148 for the library or 1032 Hendricks Hill Road if sent by UPS. The library staff thanks you, as well as those patrons who are waiting to enjoy them.

Nancy Prisk is still pursuing funds for the “Land for Southport’s Future,”,that is the Ruth Gardner property across from Hendricks Head Beach. She said they are making progress toward the goal of raising $200,000 to get a matching grant. Even though the Southport selectmen are eager to sell the property on the open market, Nancy says they are “staying in the game.” For more information you can call 207-217-7743 or go to

If you see this column before Thanksgiving Day, note the invitation from the Class of 2022 at Boothbay Region High School and the Southport Island Association to come to a free breakfast Thanksgiving morning from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at the Southport Town Hall. The students are providing the breakfast as part of their community service, and according to one parent, Medea Harris, they are eager to serve as many people as possible. Send your house guests and come yourselves to one less meal you will need to provide on this holiday of thanks and food.

The Southport Island ‘Lessons and Carols’ Service will be held Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Southport United Methodist Church beginning with the soup supper at 5 p.m., followed by the Lessons and Carols service in the church sanctuary at approximately at 6 p.m. All are invited to gather for good food, fellowship, and song to begin the Advent season.

Now to reminders in case you did not read last week’s column. December 1 beginning at 4:30 p.m., gather at the Southport General Store for lighting of the Southport figures around the school pond, to sing some carols along with the Southport School children, and enjoy warm cider, cookies and pizza from the store. All this is sponsored by the Southport Island Association. Santa usually appears too with a bag of presents for the children present.

Note the Southport Memorial Library Craft fair scheduled for Dec. 6-7 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.  Another calendar item a bit further in the future is the Southport Central School’s winter concert, which will take place at the Southport Town Hall beginning at 6 p.m. on Dec. 11.

Lots to do on our peninsula to ‘drive the dark away.’