Southport Column: Maine-grown fiber, rose hips and more

Tue, 10/05/2021 - 7:00pm

Fall weekends in Maine present a number of interesting opportunities. This weekend, on Oct. 10 we have a chance to join the Inaugural Maine Fiber Trail and Tour on which the Cape Newagen Alpaca Farm on the tip of Southport will be a stop. Look for a longer article with more information and perhaps a picture elsewhere in this paper. But the short version is that you can register online to reserve your space during one of their free tours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., observing the hand crafts and feeling the local quality of Maine-grown fiber. Go to and choose Activities / Events. You will be required to show proof of vaccination or mask up during the tour. Upon entering the gift shop and studio, face masks required for all.

Cape Newagen Alpaca Farm is open this fall in addition to this event. Fall and winter hours: Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays: Noon to 4 p.m. All tours and treks are booked on their website. An alpaca may even give you a kiss!

Beginning on Oct. 12 our Island Store will keep winter hours: Monday through Friday they will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. On Saturday you can shop and eat from 7:30 a.m. until noon. They will continue to be closed on Sundays.

The school children have a four day weekend coming up due to Friday being a teacher in-service day and Monday being a national holiday. If you get the school newsletter on your computer, you know from the pictures how much creative teaching goes on, especially outside. During Forest Friday this past week the children picked rose hips with their teacher, Tracey, who made rose hip tea. Working on a sense of smell, the children made soup out of plants with a special smell found in the woods. The older children learned about spheres by listing all the things they found in each sphere: hydrosphere,geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. On Saturday, Oct. 9 school families have an opportunity to go on a retreat at the Duck Puddle Campground, enjoying many outdoor activities there.

With all these outdoor learning opportunities for the school children, you can see how much the grounds around the school are used. Those of you who are year-round residents and received the brochure and questionnaire about the Southport Community project that involves the ground around the school, please take time to enjoy the pictures and thoughtfully answer and return the questionnaire. Enhancing these grounds will not only be advantageous for the school children, but can bring delight to the community as well.

Kit and I each enjoyed a delicious haddock Reuben from Karen’s Hideaway with the proceeds going to help a Southport family improve their home. I am not sure at this point how much money was raised, but I do know all the money paid for our sandwiches went to the project. Thanks, Karen.

The annual closing party at the Southport museum was well attended, with opportunities to visit with friends and neighbors as we enjoyed apple cider, donuts, and applesauce. Our son, Andy and his wife, Ingrid, came along with us, vowing to return next summer to spend even more time learning the history of Southport from all the exhibits. Thanks to all who provided the refreshments and hosted the event.

You probably have noticed the Axiom signs around the island, prompting us to sign up for broadband service. Remember that if we sign up before the project is completed on the island, we avoid the cost of installation to our homes.

I am cheering on the changing color not only for our own enjoyment, but also because one of Kit’s navy buddies and his family are coming to visit this weekend from western Texas. I have yet to see very many of the startling bright red leaves, but hope more will be part of our world by then.