Press release

Southport Climate Action Team invites community to assess climate risks

Mon, 09/25/2023 - 8:45am

    The Southport Climate Action Team (SCAT) warmly invites members of our community to join workshops aimed at understanding how climate change might affect our town and ways we can be prepared. This is the start of an effort to plan for climate action, led by the SCAT and supported by the Community Resilience Partnership.

    The SCAT's goal is to understand climate impacts and carry out climate adaptation projects that are suggested by our community. These projects will help us reach the goals the Maine Climate Council set, which are in the State's climate action plan called "Maine Won’t Wait."

    On Sept. 28, from 6 to 8 p.m., the SCAT will hold a workshop at the Southport Town Hall. This meeting will be in person, and we'll talk about the risks that come with climate change.

    Then, on Oct. 12, we'll have another workshop at the Southport Town Hall. This time, you can join through Zoom if you'd like to attend virtually. We'll work together to come up with science-based solutions for the climate risks we identify.

    Smith Climo, who's part of both the Select Board and SCAT, wants everyone to know that they have a say, whether they're here all year or just part of it. You may notice that the town of Southport is independent and we like to do things ourselves here. But in this case, we want all the people who make their homes here for any part of the year to come together with the rest of us to figure this out.

    Shri Verrill, who helps the SCAT through her business at Sunrise Ecologic, says that having summer residents involved has made a big difference in planning for climate action.

    Claire Tomlin, a member of SCAT, is great at organizing things and loves helping the community. She runs The Market Company, which has been putting on eco-friendly events in Miami since 1997.

    Kathy Jacobs is a new member of SCAT and will be leading the workshops on Sept. 28 and Oct. 12. She is the director of the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions at the University of Arizona. She's really good at getting different groups of people to work together and making sure we use science to make smart decisions.

    While Ella Long has yet to meet with the committee, she will be present on Sept. 28 and joining the team as our newest member. Welcome Ella!

    For more info, please reach out to the SCAT at