Sen. Dow seeks to preserve Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site

Tue, 01/09/2018 - 7:15am

Senator Dana Dow (R-Lincoln) has introduced LD 1739, “Resolve, Authorizing the Lease of the Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site,” to provide the Friends of Colonial Pemaquid with a lease for the site from the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.

Located at the enterence to Pemaquid Harbor, this historic place is one of the earliest sites of European presence in North America. According to the Friends of Colonial Pemaquid, the site served as a seasonal fishing station in the early 1600s, and was the location of a permanent village that was settled between 1625-1629.

“The Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site is a treasure in Lincoln County that is worth preserving,” said Sen. Dow. “However, the site is in need of upgrades and maintenance in order to preserve this historic gem for future generations, which will require a lease from the state.

“The site already plays a significant role in the local economy, and would likely be an even bigger economic driver for the peninsula if upgrades are made. I am hopeful that this bill can make that happen.”

LD 1739 has been referred to the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee and will receive a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 1 p.m. in Cross Building, Room 214.