letter to the editor

A scene out of ‘Young Frankenstein’

Mon, 05/15/2023 - 2:45pm

    Dear Editor,

    The theatrics at Monday’s (05/08/2023) Boothbay Harbor Selectmen’s meeting were reminiscent of the scene from Mel Brooks’ “Young Frankenstein.” You know. the one where a town official whips up a mob who show up at the castle with torches and pitchforks. Of course, in this case they showed up to intimidate an elected board into forcing a town employee to allow a pet project to proceed. It seems pretty apparent that this scene recreation was orchestrated by recently ousted selectperson Griffin and her ever malleable minion Tomko.

    Tomko once again misrepresents the facts of the issue and questions the rights of an abutter. He is followed by members of the mob who vilify the town and a town employee who is simply following the rules set forth in our community’s ordinances. The leader rises and makes a speech, much of which has nothing to do with the facts. The only thing that would have it more ludicrous would have been the leader inviting everyone for a little wine, and cake.

    If the mob wants to blame someone for this mess, they only have to turn to the “Park” leadership. At every turn that leadership has failed to follow through. There has been no clear plan, the permitting process was not followed and at each step where they could have rectified the problems they instead prevaricate and pass blame. Never once was that leadership conciliatory in any way, refusing to work within the system and with the neighbors.

    I have warned against the bias in favor of this “Park” that exists in several boards in our town and this just the most egregious example. Griffin is now simply a citizen and can do whatever she cares to. Tomko, at the least, owes the town, especially employees, an apology. The remaining board should be congratulated on their composure and not falling for Griffin’s theatrical “showing of hands,” in which Tomko sheepishly participated.

    Selectman Rayle stated it very well when he spoke of supporting the lobster industry but respecting the process.

    Linc Sample

    Boothbay Harbor