Letter to the Editor

Rethinking Collins

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

Gridlock has been a nearly constant feature in Congress, and its only getting worse. The liberal use of the filibuster as a method of obstructing basic the governing functions of the Congress has undermined the democratic nature of the deliberations and reduced the credibility and respect of our republican system of government.

Our moderate Sen. Susan Collins has routinely used gridlock inducing filibusters. For her, it seems, the status quo is gridlock.

The Collins political machine talks a good game of how hard she works for us. Her actual voting record is abysmal on things that matter to the average wage earner. She voted against on the minimum wage, affordable healthcare, equal pay, and making the tax code fairer to the middle class. She has consistently sided with big business at the expense of family friendly alternatives. Please check her voting record out for yourself at the Project Vote Smart’s website.

It's time reconsider Sen. Collins’ priorities. We need a senator who will stand with working families for a fairer deal than what Collins has delivered. That senator would be Shenna Bellows.

Fred W. Nehring
