Harbor Theater

Reading film with panel discussion July 18

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 2:30pm

Story Location:
185 Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
United States

    On Tuesday, July 18 at 1 p.m., the Harbor Theater offers the exceptional opportunity to view a new film, “The Right to Read” (71 minutes), meet filmmaker Jenny Mackenzie, and participate in a discussion about teaching children to read. Leading the discussion with filmmaker Mackenzie will be Maine Principals’ Association Professional Division Executive Director Holly Blair, first grade teacher Allison McWilliams and second grade teacher Deborah Burns from Lincolnville Central School. The event is being sponsored by Waterford.org, represented at the event by Jason Mansfield, Director of School Relations.

    Produced by long-time literacy activist and actor LeVar Burton, “The Right to Read” shares the stories of an activist, a teacher, and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.

    When a child can’t read, their chances of incarceration, homelessness, and unemployment increase. That's why Oakland-based NAACP activist Kareem Weaver believes literacy is one of the greatest civil rights issues of our time and is fighting for better reading instruction. “What good is winning the right to vote if we can’t even read the ballot?”

    In Virginia Beach, Teresa and her four-year-old daughter Ivy work on early language–a crucial component of literacy–showing how parents can help children get ready to read at home. In Mississippi, the Adams family explores educational technology to help their son learn to read before his third grade exams. Meanwhile, Kareem furthers his cause by calling out publishing companies that he believes have prioritized profits over student success.

    Filmmaker Jenny Mackenzie says “Learning to read is personal for me. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was 14 years old. Until then, I never understood why I struggled to do what other kids in my class seemed to pick up naturally. My parents provided me with the resources and support necessary to become a good reader, and until making this film, I didn’t realize what a great privilege that was.”

    All tickets for the event are $10. Admission includes the film, panel discussion and afternoon refreshments. Tickets available only at the door, beginning at noon on July 18. For more information: info@boothbaycinema.org