letter to the editor

Pine Tree Power - Change for the good of all

Mon, 10/30/2023 - 5:15pm

Dear Editor:

As far as "media propaganda" goes, there's no shortage these days - around any topic of importance. Getting at the truth is at least a part-time job, if not more, for any independent, critical thinking citizen.

A lot of the propaganda naturally comes from the powers that don't want to be ousted, nor lose their oversized salaries. CMP, as a profit making (187 million dollars last year) foreign owned company, want you to believe that Pine Tree Power is some fly-by-night concept that carries no viability or responsibility. It has, in fact, been six years in the making, with experts such as experienced utility specialists and economists involved.

CMP ads aired on television want you to feel for all those loyal CMP employees who have worked so diligently to provide for their families ... any of which will be welcome to keep their job, working for a consumer owned (Not government controlled) not-for-profit company who will pay their board members $100-$150/per meeting, and hire back some of the boots-on-the-ground crew that CMP cut when purchased by foreign companies. (Haven't you noticed how much longer power outages last, these days?)

The Public Utilities Commission & Public Advocate will still regulate Pine Tree Power, as it regulates all utility companies.

Anyone interested in knowing more of the truth about Pine Tree Power can easily do their own research: https://ourpowermaine.org/faq/  or https://ourpowermaine.org/the-case-for-consumer-owned/ 

To touch on one more area where inaccuracies have been written by some, PTP will not threaten the future of renewable energy in Maine. In fact, "The first six places in the US to reach 100% renewable electricity are all served by consumer owned utilities."

Lastly, thanks to the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Public Library for hosting a very informative talk about this issue, given by a woman who has volunteered with PTP for five years.  She was extremely knowledgeable and could address most of the questions posed to her -  and there were some tough ones!  What questions she could not answer, she welcomed people's emails in order to get back to them. To me, that is integrity in action - and that gets my vote any day.

Karen Swanson
