letter to the editor

The people have spoken

Mon, 01/08/2024 - 3:45pm

Dear Editor:

This past Election Day, the voters of Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor resoundingly defeated two questions concerning proposed capital expenditures for our schools. One was for $89 million, while the other was for $29 million. The latter was targeted for the elementary school, but also included funds for site work for the high school and funds for a maintenance facility.

Now, two months have elapsed since Election Day, yet the Trustees have not moved the football forward by one yard. They are again planning on asking for $29 million for the elementary school, with essentially the same other items.

Returning the same referendum to the ballot is basically telling the community that the Trustees know better than the community what is best for them. This is not how representative government is supposed to work. So, I say this to the Trustees: return with a more modest plan, and commit to not using the funds for some other purpose, if that plan is approved.

Let's all move forward with a constructive plan and quit trying to regurgitate an already-failed plan.

Dan Zajdel
