letter to the editor

Par for the course

Mon, 06/27/2022 - 4:15pm

Dear Editor:

Democrats have not been this furious concerning judicial precedent since Republicans ended slavery in America.

TOTUS condemns SCOTUS. The script writers feeding The Teleprompter Of The United States are inciting more looting and burning nationwide. Par for the course.

Proliferation of execution by simple-operation and destruction by protest sings the Democrats’ doxology. Their death knell in November.

Nothing will change throughout. Maine still provides public-funded choice.

Federalism, our Republic, has won the day but on the eve, may come packing the Court and several other acts of progressives desperation.

Welcome to living in a bad B-rated movie entitled, “Democrat Dystopia,” starring Joe Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Janet Mills and a cast of several woke thousands.

Dave Gregg
