Ocean Point Column: Check the activities calendar daily

Tue, 06/07/2022 - 8:30am

What a difference between the holiday weekend and this past weekend. Activity at the Point has slowed down considerably. I suppose things will ramp up again once schools disperse for the summer.

Despite the current quiet and peacefulness here at the Point the end of June will be here before you know it and our activities will be underway.

The activities calendar is currently posted on the website, however, this is not the latest draft. We are constantly updating and tweaking the document and the latest version should be posted soon. Please check the website often for any changes.

The Activities Committee has worked diligently to provide everyone with an awesome variety of events for all to enjoy, I can’t thank them enough for their time and service to our community.

If you have a thought for an activity we are always open to new and fresh ideas.

Sadly, we have lost so many wonderful Ocean Pointers over the winter and there are several memorial services planned this summer. Those services open to the OP community are listed on the calendar and more information will be forthcoming, as we get closer to the dates.

The Slayton family has announced that there will be a memorial service for Meme on Thursday June 30 at St Columba’s Church at 11 a m, 32 Emery Lane, Boothbay Harbor followed by a celebration of her life from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Ocean Point Casino. All are welcome.

The 4th of July holiday weekend is sure to be a busy one. Kicking off the weekend is a Town Hall meeting planned for Friday, July 1 from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Casino. This is an informal meeting to introduce our assistant Isabel Harkin and to discuss the results of the recent survey. Please sign up for this event and if possible stay afterwards to help set up for the annual Chicken Barbecue. We are in need of several volunteers for the night of the barbecue, your help is greatly appreciated; a sign up sheet will be made available shortly.

I will make more information regarding activities in the upcoming weeks. I do need to mention a few activities at this time; the OP 5k and Fun Run will be held on Saturday, July 9 beginning with the Fun Run at 8 a.m. followed by the 5k at 8:30; registration is on the website, don’t forget to sign up!

The annual OP Memorial Coed Golf Tournament will be held at the country club and the deadline for sign up is July 2. More information with regards to the cost, start time etc. will be made soon and sign up will be at the Casino; sign up as a team or individual. Thanks to David Butterworth for chairing the tournament.

Patty Gardner is once again chairing the July Bake Sale and would be grateful for any donations for the raffle table. Contact Patty with any questions regarding this.

Our new assistant Isabel will begin work on June 14 ahead of Andy’s arrival on the 27th. Please stop by and introduce yourself. I do believe the Casino will be open with limited hours while she is there as her position is part time.

The tennis courts are now open for limited play by contacting Susan Anderson, Peter Gardner, Moira Simonds or Lauren Palmer. You must pay your tennis membership before playing and remember to pay your OPCT membership too.

Have a great week!