Press release

Novel highlights Boothbay area

Sun, 07/28/2019 - 8:00am

What happens when a Boothbay summer visitor writes a novel ... 15 years later ... filled with suspenseful, sexy, wild and romantic scenes ... taking place in a dozen familiar places in Boothbay/East Boothbay/Wiscasset/Southport?

Find out when you read “The Narcissist’s Daughter: A Meshugenah Love Story” by Mindy Pollack-Fusi, longtime writer and resident of Bedford, Massachusetts. Mindy was a participant in this year’s Books in Boothbay.

For a decade, Mindy and her husband, Steve Fusi, stayed annually at Larry Brown’s former Linekin Bay B&B, now his home with his wife and inn business partner, Marti Booth.

Some of the popular places the novel’s characters visit or mention (sometimes with proper names, sometimes fictionalized) still exist; others do not, as in the B&B referenced. Boothbay area readers will take an imaginary journey around the area via car or bike, along with the novel’s main characters, for a familiar, nostalgic trip.

Jody Horowitz, the novel’s protagonist, and boyfriend, Sam Puricelli, are a 30-something couple falling in love despite miscommunication, loss, interfaith differences and, sometimes hysterical, sometimes sad, dysfunctional family issues that create crazy setbacks — often triggered by the novel’s antagonist — her heavy-handed mother.

Readers root them on as their relationship travels a roller coast ride of secrets, lies, and confusion…leading to whether they can work things out, or not.

Will Boothbay help — or harm — their love affair?

Locations referenced include:

* Red’s Eats Wiscasset

* Southport Memorial Library

* Gus's, luncheonette/snack bar in Cozy Harbor

* Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center

* a B&B in East Boothbay

* a fish fry restaurant out of a truck

* Stop n Save.

* Wilson’s Chapel

* Ocean Point Inn

* Additional storylines will be familiar to readers.


“The Narcissist’s Daughter” is available at Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Shop.