Nationally celebrated husband and wife music duo coming to Edgecomb church

Sat, 09/16/2023 - 7:45am

    Katie McShane and Jesse Heasly, a husband and wife duo from Bath, will be providing music at the Edgecomb Community Church’s Sunday Services twice a month for the next six months.

    McShane and Heasly are both graduates of the New England Conservatory and split their time between touring nationally as performers and working close to home.

    Katie on cello and Jesse on guitar will accompany the congregation during hymns and provide other special music.

    When home, in addition to teaching their primary instruments, Katie enjoys teaching her young piano students while Jesse makes and sells pottery.

    This great duo is scheduled to begin playing for the church Sunday, Oct. 8 and will continue through March on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.

    The church has been without an organist for the last four years and has been using recorded music during the services.

    “Having live music again will be such a great addition to our worship,” says church coordinator Marjorie Di Vece.

    Please join us Sundays to worship with friends and neighbors and enjoy some beautiful music from our local talented musicians.