Letter to the editor

Loving those broadsheet pages

Tue, 03/03/2020 - 1:15pm
Dear Editor:
I am a random Californian born and raised in Oakland and possibly one of your most random subscribers. Several years ago, a friend of a friend named Anna M. from Boothbay Harbor moved in to our house affectionately named the "58th Street Farm." Anna brought her amazing spirit from Maine, a sweet black cat named Scampy, and her subscription to the Boothbay Register.
The paper would show up in bundle groups every week or two. I would read through it and fell in love with the small town news and community based view of life. The traffic circle challenges (we have a traffic circle debacle unfolding in our Rockridge neighborhood currently, long story), the Fishermen’s Festival, and all the great local based news. My hometown next to Oakland has a nice paper named the Alameda Sun, that I advertise my local business with. A couple years ago Anna moved back to Maine to take her knowledge/efforts in public health back to her community of Maine. I eventually started my own subscription to the paper after it eventually stopped showing up to our mailbox.
With all that said, one of the reasons why I continue to subscribe and keep current on your news is because I absolutely love the 33" broadsheet format your paper is printed. The paper itself is great to hold in the hand and when I read this front page article I was so happy to know that quality is something your team holds dear to the heart. Before reading the article, I was scared thinking the format might change.
Thank you for making that choice. I shall continue supporting your paper and your local community randomly from afar. My partner Danielle and I hope to visit Boothbay Harbor some day in the near future.
Will raise our glass tonight from Oakland, to your team for the preservation of good things. And we appreciate your efforts battling the challenges that come with preserving things like the 33" broadsheet format during a time when cost cutting makes far too many decisions. Hopefully our little support helps.
Jeremy Castro and Danielle Siegler
Oakland, California