Lincoln County Composting kicks off May 1

Mon, 04/14/2014 - 1:30pm

Join the Lincoln County Composting Committee and composting guru, Mark King from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at Treats in downtown Wiscasset on Thursday, May 1 from 5 to 7 p.m. for the Lincoln County Composting Kick Off.

Last fall, Lincoln County officials and teamed up with the state DEP to organize a composting pilot program in an effort to reduce the county's waste. With just over 20 participants, the program was a great success, bringing in over 2,000 pounds of compostable materials during the end of 2013 along, and averaging 500 pounds a month throughout the beginning of 2014.

With the success of the pilot program, the Lincoln County Composting Committee (LCCC) is ready to amp it up and launch a county wide composting initiative open to all Lincoln County businesses and residents. To start the Lincoln County Composting program, the LCCC is holding the Composting Kick Off at Treats.

Join us and enjoy an engaging presentation lead by Mark King from the DEP and the Maine Composting School; share tips about easy options for composting at home; and go home with a scoop of the county’s first batch of compost to kick start your garden by joining the county composting program.

For more information, contact Debbie Tibbets at or 207-882-6311. To RSVP, visit