Let the sun shine in

Tue, 07/09/2019 - 11:30am

    The Boothbay Region Garden Club’s garden therapy team met at the Gregory Wing on Tuesday, July 2 to guide residents through a project designed to preserve the best of summer --- since we have finally been graced with its presence.

    Participants carefully selected, gently handled and thoughtfully placed flower petals, buds and delicate garden greens onto a "paper plate frame" backed with clear contact paper. The completed Sun Catcher arrangements were covered with another piece of contact then strung with colorful ribbon. There will be lots of sunny summer colors streaming into the resident's windows.

    Busy hands are indeed happy hands. The BRGC garden therapy team constantly strives to engage residents in interesting and stimulating activities. If you are interested in joining this worthwhile endeavor, contact Sandra Abernathy at sandra0718@gmail.com