Learn about honey bees

Tue, 01/07/2020 - 10:45am

If one has a taste for honey or an adventurous side, maybe they have thought of becoming a beekeeper. What would one really be in for, though? Is it really a job or is it a fun way to get one's own honey? Well, it’s a bit of both.

Keeping bees, when properly done, can be a unique and highly rewarding pastime. It can be entertaining and educational, and if done on the correct scale can be a profitable hobby. Not only will bees create honey and other products for one to harvest, but also if one gardens, fruit and vegetable harvests will also flourish.

Being a beekeeper is work, but it also has many benefits. Anyone can do it, as long as they are prepared. One can’t just wake up one day, decide to be a beekeeper and start immediately. One has to know what they are doing.

On Monday, Jan. 20, Jean Vose, a beekeeper from Nobleboro, will teach the class “Learning About Bees ~ Is Beekeeping Right for You?” She is a beekeeper from Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers who has been keeping bees in her backyards for more than 30 years. The class is hosted by the RSU 40 Adult Education Program and will be held at Medomak Valley High School in Waldoboro from 6 to 9 p.m.

This class is not a complete “how to keep bees” course but an introduction to help one decide if beekeeping is right for them. The class summarizes and explains essential information learned over the years.  There is information about honey bees, challenges and successes, where to get them, what you need, how much time and investment is involved. There will be a PowerPoint presentation and demonstrations with opportunities to have a hands-on experience with beekeeping equipment.

To register for the class, call 832-5389 or online at https://msad40.maineadulted.org/course/learning-about-bees/