Knights of Pythias

Tue, 02/05/2019 - 11:30am

Greetings to everyone as we fast track into February. We want to get you updated on some functions we will be doing at the KP Hall. First, want need to thank the Sweatin’ Bullets Band and all of their fans for such a great turnout at our last dance.

In a small way, our group has decided to donate all our 50/50 earnings for this month to the Rigas family as they go through this tough time. They have always help out with our fundraisers when asked so we want to show them some support. Our first 50/50 was won by Dave Barter and Andi Andrews. They donated their half back so thank you. And that gets us off to a great start.

Coming up Saturday night, Feb. 9, we have the “Old & Cranky Band” coming back in to play a fun mix of tunes for you all to enjoy – BYOB, $10 per person, 7-10 p.m., and our kitchen will be open to serve up some grub when you need to refuel from the dancing.

On Sunday afternoon, Feb. 24, we are holding a Sunday Soup & Stew with music from local musicians and some special out-of-town guests. Tugboat Inn chef Kim Mills will be making up his famous haddock chowder and tomato bisque, and Garry B’s famous crab stew will be available as well. This runs from noon to 3:30 p.m. BYOB. Open to everyone and donations will be accepted at the door. So come, have some great food and hear some top notch music.

For more information contact Tim at 315-5520 or Garry at 633-0831.