Letter to the Editor

Help us, Obi-Wan

Fri, 06/27/2014 - 2:00pm

Dear Editor:

I’m an angry and frustrated citizen. Month after month, Congress fails to enact any legislation or needed political reform. It appears that our elected officials, for the most part, and especially in the House of Representatives, spend most of their time and energy soliciting funds from the anonymous super rich. The funds donated by the super rich buy them influence with our alleged representatives, presumably in proportion to how much is donated to those elected officials. The super rich are like the animal characters in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” where “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.”

Our elected representatives are paid handsomely by the taxpayers. Big salaries, unlimited vacation time, lifetime pensions (that they’re not required to contribute any of their own money!), and seemingly unlimited staff to provide for their every need, excepting, perhaps, certain hygiene practices. What are they doing for us? It looks like something less than nothing, to my disgruntled eyes.

Get me, or someone, in front of the Supreme Court to present our case. We’ll sue for their salaries, and use the proceeds to fund education, hire work-oriented people to deal with our other pressing needs, and fire the lot of those shiftless drags on progress. It’ll save tons of money that we’re paying out for nothing. We’ll reduce the national debt and restore civil discourse. The citizenry will spend less money on blood pressure medications and offensive bumper stickers. Whaddaya think? Are you in?

Bill Dixon

Boothbay Harbor