Haitian Choir opens annual concert tour

Mon, 08/02/2021 - 10:15am

    In spite of COVID-19 travel problems and domestic issues at home, Hope Haitian Ministries Choir began its ninth annual concert tour at the Boothbay Common on Sunday, Aug. 1.

    “The choir is the base of our work,” said Chuck House of Boothbay who with his wife, Barb, organized the recent tour in April in spite of increased violence and social issues in Haiti. “Barb does all the auditions, training and rehearsals,” said House.

    He said the late start and travel problems this year have brought the chorus numbers down from 16 to 10 members. It has also limited the number of choir stops to between Maine and New York City.

    The story of the ministries began in 1989 when the Houses adopted Nathan, a young Haitian boy. It has developed to the construction of a school high in the hills outside the capital of Port-au-Prince, according to House. “We started going there and one thing led to another,” he said. Construction began in 2015 with the building of a 30 x 54-foot church. The school began with 31 students and has grown to 350 enrolled in grades K-6. The school will open a grade seven next year, according to choir leader Obias Exilus.

    “We are dealing with many challenges,” Exilus told the audience at the Common. “We need health care assistance,” said Exilus. He said the school also wants to raise $10,000 for an athletic facility. Several choir members stepped forward talking about student needs including having insufficient food. “They all get one meal a day,” said House.

    To contribute or to get more information, write the Hope Haitian Ministries at P.O. Box 374, Boothbay, ME 04537, call 633-7195 or email info@hopehaitian.com