The Gawler Sisters & Mom livestream concert

Thu, 02/25/2021 - 8:00am

Join us for a virtual concert broadcast live from inside the historic Waldo Theatre Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m. featuring The Gawlers, a fun-loving, folk-singing, fiddle-playing family from Maine.

This show features Ellen Gawler and her three daughters, Molly, Edith and Elsie. The Gawlers bring a unique sound full of heart with toe-tapping fiddle and banjo tunes. Some songs are traditional, others original, all are full of joy.

“They are the charming pied pipers of music in Maine, sharing music and stories that are enamored by all. It’s fun to try to keep up with them as they busy about as performing artists, circus artists, home builders, homesteaders, teachers, travelers, mariners, farmers, designers and on and on and on... Singing all the while!” -Melinda Curtis

Since The Waldo is not yet open to the public, there will be no audience in the theatre. The performance will be captured in real-time by a technical “stream team” with the use of a new three-camera system.

Make your online reservation today to watch the concert live-online March 11 and/or via the archived concert over the weekend. Tickets are $15 for one person; $20 if you are watching with a friend.

Once you've made your virtual reservation you'll receive a YouTube streaming link the day of the concert.