Friends of Thai Daughters welcomes summer intern from Thailand
Boothbay-based non-profit Friends of Thai Daughters, which works to protect girls and young women at risk of being trafficked in Northern Thailand, has welcomed one of their Daughters to Maine as part of a summer internship program.
Junjira, who is 22 years old, has been with the organization since she was 15. She has thrived with FTD’s support, and recently graduated from Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, where she majored in English. Jun is currently a valuable member of the Daughter Leadership Team at FTD’s Sunflower Farm near Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand.
‘I am loving being in Maine for the summer,’ Jun said. ‘I am learning lots of new things to take back to Thailand. I am meeting new people all the time and it is very good for my English to be here.’ Her hobbies in include bike riding, cooking Thai food and gardening.
While she is in Maine, Jun will be studying organic farming techniques to take back to Thailand and put into use on the Sunflower Farm. The farm is currently home to 22 formerly at-risk girls and it is also a self-sustaining organic farm-to-table learning center for the area.
Jun will also be speaking at FTD’s annual Sunflower Celebration which takes place on July 6. This year the event will be raising money for a new building at the Sunflower Farm’s sister house in Chiang Khong. The Jasmine Farm will replace the current accommodation which is currently home to 15 Daughters.
To find out more about Friends of Thai Daughters, along with all their latest news, go to their website at