Food with Friends
The Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor is once again hosting a series of luncheons for the fall and winter season. The name of the gatherings is now “Food with Friends.” The format will be the same for now: a large selection of hearty soups, delicious breads, rolls, and desserts. All are lovingly homemade.
New to the lunches this year is a drawing for a seasonal home decoration.
The lunches will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, except for the January lunch, which will be held on the second Wednesday. That makes the dates Nov. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 8, Feb. 5, and March 5. The lunches will start at 11:30 a.m. and end at 12:45 p.m.
There is no cost for lunch, but donations will be gratefully accepted and given to a local food-insecurity program.
Please mark your calendar and join us. We hope you will “Bring a Friend and Make a Friend.”