letter to the editor

The emperor has no bounds

Mon, 04/11/2022 - 4:30pm

Dear Editor:

On April 5, former President Barack Obama publicly trashed and ridiculed a hapless President Biden at the White House. This means that Biden is officially done, and that Obama may be planning on returning for two more devastating years as acting president. Consider the following three easy pieces:

-Bribe or blackmail Harris into resigning.

-Declare a national crisis due to Putin/Ukraine, and have Obama graciously accept an emergency interim vice presidency as the most politically experienced veteran available.

-Terminate Biden as medically unfit with the 25th Amendment, and replace him with Obama.

Before dismissing this as outrageous and unconstitutional, consider first that the 22nd Amendment only stops Obama from being “elected to the office” for a third term, and second, that the DC Elite have already compiled an incredibly audacious resume:

Suffocate the middle class with massive inflation; shackle a most vital energy industry; falsify and federalize elections; defund and downsize a once-proud military; open our borders to violent criminals, dangerous enemies, illicit drugs, and devastating disease; abandon U.S. citizens to the Taliban; legalize a return to racial discrimination; eliminate womanhood; eliminate manhood; hold political prisoners with zero evidence; pervert genuine justice with a two-tiered system; promote urban crime while condemning cops; encourage the destruction of a generation of youths with smuggled and deadly opioids.

Granted, this list does fall short of a fundamental transformation, but not to worry, Obama will speedily dispatch that little crisis with characteristic aplomb, as always.

Phil Molvar
