Letter to the Editor

Elect Bellows

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 10:00am

Dear Editor:

Washington is corrupt. A study has proven that voters have zero influence because federal government policies are determined by big donors. We get what they want. Pervasive legal bribery sweeps up even good politicians of both parties. The bumper sticker advice “Don't vote. It just encourages them” solves nothing.

This election is about restoring our lost Republic. We can get it back, by voting for those who will get big money out of politics — as Shenna Bellows will. She accepts no "campaign contributions" from big money PACs. She has signed Larry Lessig's pledge for campaign finance reform.

Shenna opposes Susan Collins, who has raised much more money. Susan's top "campaign contributor" is General Dynamics, a prime member of the military-industrial complex we were warned about by President Dwight Eisenhower. When money talks, Susan Collins must listen. How can even she know whether as senator she represents Mainers, or is a senator from General Dynamics?

Join the groundswell against legal bribery. Elect a U.S. senator who will represent Mainers instead of big donors. Vote for Shenna Bellows.

Tom Hagan
