Edgecomb updating boards’ and committees’ membership lists

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 8:45am

    Edgecomb selectmen will be busy over the next couple weeks updating their municipal boards’ and committees’ membership list. On July 11, Selectmen Mike Smith and Lyn Norgang split the list and agreed to contact each member whose term is expiring. Selectmen will seek whether these committee members want to continue their service. Selectmen will also recruit candidates to fill vacant board and committee seats.

    Town Clerk Claudia Coffin urged selectmen to also remind current active members of their responsibility to become sworn in. Two residents have approached municipal officals about serving on the planning board. Smith has forwarded those names to Planning Board Chairman Rebecca Graham for consideration. As selectmen also seek to fill other vacant municipal positions, Coffin reminded them only selectboard and school committee members must be residents. 

    In other action, the town received a second payment in a sales agreement to sell an Old County Road property back to the owner. On June 27, selectmen negotiated a deal with Elaine Wooster to buy back her property for $25,000 and a promise to remove debris in a timely manner. The agreement requires Wooster to make a down payment in June and monthly $2,000 payments beginning Aug. 1. The town retains ownership until Wooster makes the final payment.   

    In May, selectmen reported Wooster continued living in the house after foreclosure until the home was destroyed in a fire earlier in the month. On July 19, the property will have been vacant for 60 days. Smith reported Maine Municipal Association recommends purchasing liability insurance until the buyer makes the final payment. The Boothbay Register asked if Wooster planned on rebuilding on the property. “I’m not sure, no one has said anything about that,” Smith said.

    Selectmen will hold a special workshop at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 25 to discuss their future goals. The regularly scheduled board meeting follows at 6 p.m. in the municipal conference room.