Dressing down benefits Boothbay V.E.T.S.
Employees of First National Bank recently raised $571.88 for Boothbay V.E.T.S. through its Casual for a Cause program. Employees make a contribution to a nominated non-profit organization in exchange for dressing casually on Fridays for one month.
Boothbay Veterans’ Emergency Temporary Shelters began with American Legion Hall #36’s Ed Harmon, Arthur Richardson and John Hargreaves. Their mission is to provide short term shelter for homeless veterans. They currently have five trailers outfitted and used in partnership with the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services.
“We are proud to help tackle the needs of our homeless veterans here in the State of Maine and possibly reaching outside to neighboring states in the future,” states Boothbay V.E.T.S. on their website. “Anyone wishing to contribute to this cause can forward tax deductible donations or offer hands on assistance with future trailer builds.”
To donate or learn more visit https://boothbayvets.weebly.com/
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