Feb. 15 was the date of the DEYC Florida gathering. John and Pat Ridlon hosted the event at their home in Venice. The party attracted 30-plus members and a very special unexpected guest. A 14-foot alligator selected a berm directly in front of their home on which to sun himself. He stayed at the party long enough to greet all the guests. Unfortunately, even in this modern era of artificial intelligence, no one thought to snap a photo of “Ali” for proof of his presence. Perhaps he will return to a future DEYC party! Commodore Brent Pope, now the second most important guest at the occasion took advantage of playing second fiddle to thank our hosts and announce the hosts for the two-day Florida March DEYC party. On the West coast, P/C Sandy and Karen Young will host, while on the East Coast, P/C Joe and Brenda Blake will provide the meeting place.
Meanwhile, back in Maine, on Saturday, Feb. 18, Mike Scannon and Mickey were hosting the Maine DEYC congregation at their lovely Bayville home in Boothbay Harbor. The weather proved to be a factor in determining the size of the group. A group of 20 DEYC members gathered to share time and stories. The usual list of culinary options were accentuated by Mike’s “Special Seafood Gumbo,” a wonderful menu addition. March will provide another occasion for a DEYC party. Until then, safe sailing to all!