BRHS Winter Carnival stocks closet, community fridge
Members of Boothbay Region High School (BRHS) Student Council delivered hundreds of food items to Community Resource Council’s (CRC) Community Fridge on Friday, Feb. 16. Donations stem from a food drive class competition held in conjunction with Winter Carnival the week of Feb. 5-9.
The sophomore class donated the most food with over 200 food items, more than double the next highest collection. The food was divided, half for restocking the BRHS food closet, half to the Community Fridge.
“I’ve known since leadership training at the Y, that I wanted to work on food security in our community,” said Colby Allen, student body president. Allen is one of three BRHS student representatives to the Boothbay YMCA Board of Trustees. “I knew that combining efforts; Interact Club, Student Council, the YMCA, and Student Health Advisory Board, that we could amplify each other’s work. And it was Ms. (Manon) Lewis’ idea to host a food drive within Winter Carnival.”
The carnival is an annual weeklong, school spirit competition. The week was filled with daily activities ranging from baking your own pizzas to inking henna tattoos; and from yoga to powder puff basketball, and more. The carnival culminated with a Friday pep rally and Saturday semi-formal “Snow Ball” held at Boothbay Railway Village.
“You could hear laughter and cheers throughout the hallways all week long. School spirit was at an all-time high,” wrote Principal Tricia Campbell.
Teachers kept score of grade-level participation for daily activities, food donations for the drive, and dress-up days: pajama, country versus country club, USA, secret service (a favorite this year) and class colors (white, black, blue, gold – working backward, seniors to freshmen, respectively). Even with sophomores dominating the food drive score, they fell short of the seniors by 25 points to win the week. Seniors took first with 183 points, followed by the sophomores with 158 points; freshmen, 139 points; and juniors, 134 points.
“I want to thank the entire student council for pulling this wonderful week together, from setting up activities to hyping up their fellow students; school faculty for their willingness to help and participate; Ms. Lewis, our advisor and Charlee Fuchswanz, senior class VP – this wouldn't have been possible without everyone’s support,” said Allen.
The BRHS food closet opened in 2015. Items like snacks and quick meals they can make at school or home, school supplies and health and household products can be found in the closet. Donations are accepted at the school and at the YMCA. The Community Fridge is open 24/7 behind the Boothbay Town Office. The Fridge operates to increase access to healthy food and reduce the stigma associated with food insecurity.