BRAS responds to Lewiston shooting

Thu, 10/26/2023 - 7:30am

    Dan Gardner, EMS Chief of the Boothbay Region Ambulance Service, reported this morning that “we sent two trucks to assist” at the mass shooting in Lewiston Wednesday night, Oct.25 where, reportedly, 16 people were killed and dozens more injured.

    “I called in other staff in our area to cover while we were gone,” said Gardner via text. He responded in one of the trucks. “It’s horrible. I was involved in the Sante Fe High School mass shooting (2018) in Texas, so this really brought back terrible memories. I will never understand why people do these things.”

    UPDATE: Gardner reported later this morning that BRAS did not transfer any patients. Several other emergency departments, especially those closer to Lewiston, did transport victims to area hospitals.

    “Our role was as a backup team to cover the area, and to respond if requested by the incident commander,” said Gardner. “Thankfully, the victim count didn’t continue to rise while we were there.”