Boothbay Region Lions Club

Mon, 09/17/2018 - 12:00pm

New Lion President Karen Nickerson presided at the first meeting of the new Lion Year, held on Sept. 12. Standing at full height, Karen was just able to address the club over the giant mound of yellow roses welcoming her into office. Pianist Lion Terry Heller led the singing of “God Bless America” in remembrance of 9/11, followed by a moment of silence. The evening's fare featured an astonishing smorgasbord of heavy hors d'oeuvres brought by members for the first meeting of the month instead of the usual plate dinner—rave reviews abounded, and a new tradition is born! 

Kudos were heaped on Lion John Perreault for building a beautiful new ramp for the Lions clubhouse, which looks like it might stand for the next 50 years. The ramp is just in time for welcoming the public next Saturday, Sept. 22, for the Lions’ Fall Feast Fundraiser in support of The Community Center. Last year's contribution was over $800 to the Center, and the Lions are looking to top that this year with a goal of $1,000. All of Boothbay is urged to bring family, friends, and neighbors to this third annual Lions/Community Center gathering for an evening of great fun, good food, and live music. The event is held at the Lions Clubhouse, 12 Lakeview Road, Saturday at 5 p.m.—tickets are $8 at the door.

Lion Wendy Greenleaf, new Sight & Hearing program chair, shared a new form for helping people who need services for hearing and vision. The Lions serve the Boothbay community in these two areas of need for children and adults. Lion Karen noted the Boothbay annual “Set for Success” back-to-school effort included Lions Don and Marcia Soler providing snack bags for all who came to the Lion vision screening corner. Lions Liz McKim and Glenn Tilton signed in 41 children for SPOT camera vision screening. Three children were found to have potential vision problems—parents were provided with a vision scan report to take to an optometry specialist for a complete examination. Boothbay Lions are looking into raising funds for their own infrared SPOT vision camera to better serve a wider area of schools and health fairs with free vision screening. More to come on this important project!

Lions Pride Calendar chair Liz Perreault reported over $900 in funds were raised—cheers went up!—from the popular Lions calendar raffle which was completed earlier this month. And, Lion Jay Andrews was reported to have lined up a space for the Oct. 6 Fall Foliage Fair where he and other Lion chefs will be selling their famous fish chowder. Lions were reminded to bring healthy snacks or money to first meetings for stocking the Food Closet at BRHS—there are too many teens with basic needs who often try to go without lunch or lack lunch money. 

Karen announced that this year Lions are promoting a Peace Poster art project for children 11-13, and we will be working with the school art teachers. Top prize for the winner is a $5,000 scholarship! Finally, Lion Tamer Tom Nickerson closed out the meeting with several fines for odd or unruly Lion behavior, which notably featured: Lion Duane Lewis for wearing a hurricane shirt (tie-dyed!); Lion Mark Jones for wearing a worn out Red Sox T-shirt; Lion Pete Johnson was fined for laughing at Lion Mark's fine; and, Lion Terry was fined twice on general purpose just to keep her in line. 

Wish you were involved in doing something worthwhile for the Boothbay area? Want to give back to your community, and have fun doing it? Join us. We're Lions. We Serve! Lions Club is a proud tradition, the largest service organization in the world. Membership chair Lion Mary Tilton invites you to come to our next meeting Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 5:30 p.m. We'll even buy your dinner!