Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club

Yard cleanup and more
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 8:45am

The Rotary Club was abuzz (what a great word) with activity last Thursday.  Outside a hearty crew was raking, weed whacking, trimming bushes, working away, trying to beat the impending rain. And, they did. When the rain started, gently at first, then seriously, the place looked great, Amy had dinner ready and the bar was set up with ice and other things to cool us off.  

Outside, not only weed whackers, raking, general landscaping, but also bikes circulating the parking lot. The Summer Bike Program was in full swing with Bill Prince, John Skogland and Rick Mitterling helping summer workers find the right bike. The bicycles will be available every Saturday between 9 and 11 a.m. till June 29. Also every Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m. until June 27. A $100 deposit is required, but is fully refunded, if the bike is returned in good condition.   

While all that was happening outside, the Parade Committee, led by the creative Karen Pritchard, was keeping the Clubhouse abuzz inside, sharing ideas, plans and laughter for this year's Rotary Club Windjammer Parade float. How many ideas can a Rotary Club Committee come up with? How much bling does a float need? All part of the “important” work of Rotary. Lots more help is needed, join us Wednesday, June 26 at the high school to participate. 

By the end of the evening the Clubhouse was landscaped, more summer workers had transportation and the Windjammer Days Float was more of a reality. After sharing conversation and laughter while dining on a summer meal of burgers, hot dogs, cole slaw and ice cream we all went home glad to be part of this dynamic group of people. 

This week we are welcoming Roger Fagan from the Portland Rotary Club. He will talk about their International Project in the Dominican Republic. The Portland Rotary Club Service Team travels to La Romana, the Dominican Republic with supplies of water filters, hearing aids, solar lights and a goal of building a prosthetic clinic in this community. Since we are working on an International Project in Uganda, Dr Fagan’s talk will be timely. 

The big, gray Rotary Barn is open every Saturday from 8:30 to 11 a.m. with a great selection of gently used furniture, tools, lamps, dishes, boats, collectibles and just about anything. We're accepting donations, just call or text Deb at 207-380-3550 for pickup or drop off plans. Money raised at the Rotary Club Barn helps support local projects like the Boothbay V.E.T. Trailers, The Woodchucks, the Rotary High School Interact Club, the Scholarship Fund, Boothbay Sea and Science Center, International Projects and so much more. Your purchase and your donations do good locally and Internationally. 

If you're interested in the work and fun of Rotary, join us any Thursday at 6 p.m. in our clubhouse at 66 Montgomery Road for a fun evening starting with dinner, then an interesting program. You’ll be glad you did.