Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library

Tue, 02/05/2019 - 11:00am

I gotta say, the sledding this winter has been absolutely terrible.

I think my kids have gone twice — once back in November, and then again after that Nor’easter that dropped eight inches of crusty, icy, slick little pellets. Great for sledding, but the thermometer peaked at about 5 degrees that day, with a brutal wind. We lasted maybe half an hour.

The forecast isn’t looking too promising for next week, either. So I wouldn’t put any money on a February break snow fest.

Not to worry, though; the library has your back with a host of vacation week offerings.

We’re offering a drop-in Lego Bonanza from Tuesday, Feb. 19 through Saturday, Feb. 23. Each day that week, kids and their parents are welcome between noon and 4 p.m. to swing into the Children’s Room and enjoy free play with everyone’s favorite real-life block.

We’ll have our great big bins of Legos and Duplos out (Duplos are the big Legos for the under-three, stick-everything-in-their-mouths set), plus a few special kits. Feel free to bring your own, too. To round out the fun, we’ll have snacks.

On the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 20, we’ll replace Pajama Story Time with PJ Movie Time at 5 p.m. Snuggle up in a beanbag chair to watch “Smallfoot,” a Warner Bros. 2018 animated film about a Yeti who wants to prove to his tribe that mythical, mostly-hairless small-footed creatures really do exist. Looks super cute. We’ll provide the popcorn.

Finally, the March-April art show in the library’s upstairs Community Room will feature student artists. This year’s theme is Our Favorite Faces. Kids under 18 are invited to submit their art for the show by Feb. 28. Until then, we’ll have materials available in the Children’s Room for kids to use to create their masterpieces. Come by any time this month and make some art.

Minecraft Club and Math Team will not be meeting during school vacation week; we’ll resume those when school’s back in session.

Upcoming events

In Their Shoes: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Saturday, Feb. 9. 10 a.m. to noon. Facilitator Lisa Couture, New Hope For Women. Great Room. Pizza lunch.

I Love a Mystery! Book Group: Saturday, Feb. 9, 10:30 a.m., “October List” by Jeffery Deaver. Community Room.

Pajama Story Time: Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Come dressed in PJs and slippers and settle in for a bedtime story.

Drop-In Lego Bonanza: Construction and snacks, Feb. 19-23, noon to 4 p.m. Children’s Room.

Vacation Special: PJ Movie Night! Wednesday, Feb. 20, 5 to 7 p.m.  Come on in clad in your PJs and watch “Smallfoot” (2018) with us. Popcorn will be served!