Bayville Buzz

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 7:30am

I am happy to report that all the news this week is good. In fact I will start with some great news from Wayne Lafferty, who reports the following:

I arrived early this year as the only time our family could all get the same week off from work is the coming week. The big news from the Stover-Lafferty-Gower cottage (Rock Cottage) is that we have welcomed the 8th generation of the family (Lawrence Clark Gower) to Bayville. She was born Feb. 10 to Kristin and Blake Gower in Fort Worth, Texas. Congratulations to all!

The McNamara boys - Brian and Liam - along with Liam's girlfriend, Cam - are holed up in Hardscrabble for the summer as they are gainfully employed around town. 

All their shifts start quite early, so much to the neighbors' relief, the toga parties are ending early too. Liam wins the earliest shift award as he starts unloading trucks at 4 a.m. Cam wins most hours as she is working two jobs and Brian is getting close to graduation with his internship at Southport Bridge.

In addition to their real jobs, the McNamara Brothers have been recruited by Bayvillians to help with various tasks and have scored a few home cooked meals as a result. Recently, they along with Mark Spencer, helped Thomas Hultin launch his peapod during a fierce Northeast rain storm. Afterwards, all were rewarded with hot tea and fresh baked goods at the upper annex of Valhalla Shores. As they were enjoying their reward and slowly drying out, the storm cleared and the sun came out, giving everyone a good laugh, as well as some harsh words for weather apps.  

Forget the bald eagles. Avid birders have been flocking to our shores for a glimpse of the rare Northern Pink Flamingo. No one is quite sure how it got here, but one theory is that when flying overhead, it became attracted to the new aluminum runway (which I am told looks quite nice!).  Luckily, the bird is not bothered by people and stays quite still, guaranteeing everyone National Geographic worthy photos. 

Alina reports that all is well at the Blakesley Cottage. Robert still takes his daily walks to the dock and back and does water aerobics three times a week. As a special treat for Robert's 92nd birthday, they booked a scenic flight with Penobscot Air and flew over Penobscot Bay.

Alina, who could be our own DWTS celebrity, is taking part in two upcoming dance competitions. One is in Boston next week and the other is in Nashville at the end of July.

Not one who likes things too easy, Alina will be showcasing her moves wearing 3 inch heels! Wow! Hopefully, Robert and Alina will be coming out with a book soon about how to stay healthy! Obviously being active is a big part of it!

Enough about Robert and Alina, let's talk about their dogs! Reggie, a 2-year-old Labradoodle and Lucky, who is a 2 1/2-year-old Goldendoodle, are working on moves of their own and are preparing for the Lucky Ducky and Reggie Wedgie Dog Show with hoops, jumps, teeter-totters and lots of tricks to entertain young and old. The dogs, along with some encouragement from Alina, have generously decided a small fee or a donation will be collected at the show to add to the Bayville dock repair fund.

Keep your eyes on the Post Office bulletin board for more information and please, send your news to