
Bayville Buzz

Thu, 07/06/2023 - 8:15am

The calendar tells us it is summer though Mother Nature may not have gotten the message. Bayvillians seem to be following the calendar though as the community is filling up.

Mark Spenser is promising we’ll have our first of many fire pits any day now. Most boats have been languishing, fog-bound on their moorings, but the Munnell (Stafford/Gilcrest crew) has been seen zipping around the bay whenever the weather permits. And a gaggle of young people can generally be found hanging out in the community house or on the post office porch.

If you’ve been missing the Nielsens, you aren’t alone. Though they are visiting son, Dan, in London over the Fourth of July holiday, Andrea has been spotted walking through town and visiting with folks. As soon as the “spruce up” to their house is complete, they’ll return to Bayville from their Highhead escape.

Speaking of travels, Alina Blakesley leaves this week for Vienna where she’ll be ballroom dancing and seeing the sights. Lucky, the Blakesley goldendoodle, will certainly miss her. Keep an eye out for said doodle, wildly romping through yards, fields, and woods with monstrous Reggie, his labradoodle bestie from the Wood Cottage. Joe and Evan of the Rosenbloom cottage are away on an Alaskan cruise. And Julie and David Merrill recently returned from the Galapagos! Bayvillians may travel far and wide but we always return to our precious community by the sea