Adams and Knickerbocker watershed grants available

Thu, 05/28/2020 - 8:45am

    What happens in Adams Pond and Knickerbocker Lake watersheds has a big impact on lake water quality. Watershed property owners play an important role in keeping our public water supply lakes healthy and Boothbay Region Water District offers a lake-friendly grant program to help.

    Human development around lakes results in less forest cover, more hard surfaces and more runoff and contaminants, which can degrade water quality. As water quality declines, algae blooms are more likely — increasing water treatment costs and water rates, impairing recreation and reducing watershed property values. Once a downward water quality cycle is started, it can be hard to stop.

    By taking simple actions, watershed property owners can help protect water quality. Projects, such as planting a native plant buffer, mulching or vegetating bare soil, or installing rain gutters, infiltration steps, and runoff diverters can significantly reduce erosion and the amount of polluted runoff that reaches Adams Pond and Knickerbocker Lake.

    To help watershed property owners and water quality, BRWD offers a lake-friendly grant program. Through this program, we offer technical and financial assistance to interested property owners. Every step of the process is voluntary. A free site visit to discuss how your property might be made more lake friendly is a phone call or email away. If you decide to take steps to address potential pollution sources, BRWD will provide up to $1,000 in matching funds for the project. We will also provide up to $1,000 to replace or upgrade a failing septic system.

    For more information on this program, call Sue Mello at 350-3127, email her at or visit