$50 get’s you an extra $10!!

Thu, 11/16/2023 - 9:45am

Brady’s is gearing up for a fantastic weekend and on Saturday we will be featuring our 6th Annual Mimosa Palooza and an amazing Brunchie menu!  How do you really feel about Egg Nog Creme Brule French Toast; or maybe your tastes are aimed at some amazing Pork Belly Hash,Eggs, & Toast, or an Apple Dutch .... Baby, maybe it’s Lobster Avocado Toast, and if you’re really going for it.. Chicken and Waffles!!

Chef John has pulled out all the stops for this weekend and along with the food and Mimosas, Brady’s will be offering 60 for 50! Buy a $50 gift card and receive a $10 gift cart to use in the new year!
