Zumba Gold: Less intense, equal fun

See video footage at www.boothbayregister.com
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 12:00pm

Have you seen people doing zumba and thought it looked like fun, but were worried you might not be able to keep up?

The answer is “Zumba Gold,” a lower-impact version of zumba with less jumping, slower moves, and a variety of challenge levels for people to choose from.

“Gold is for people who are older, or who have physical limitations such as knee replacements, or those who just aren't comfortable with regular zumba,” Instructor Monica Churchill said.

Churchill, 59, is a retired music teacher and owns the Harbor House bed and breakfast with her husband Thomas. She lives in Boothbay Harbor most of the year, but travels to Florida between January and April.

“Zumba Gold is incredibly popular down there,” Churchill said. “There are lots of instructors, and every class is different and the instructors change their styles to fit their clientèle.”

Churchill subs for instructors during her Florida time, and enjoys going to different classes and observing the differences.

“There are so many levels to Zumba Gold. I went to one class with six older ladies who could barely move. And there are Zumba Gold classes that are very close to regular Zumba level. It's all about adjusting and modifying to what your group needs.”

Zumba Gold music has the normal Latin dance music associated with zumba, and some of the more trendy music found on the top 40 stations. But Zumba Gold also incorporates some 50s music, disco, line dancing, etc.

“Students like classes better when they recognize the music,” Churchill said.

Churchill first became interested in zumba four years ago when a wellness instructor came to the Falmouth School where she was teaching. She loved it, and found out she could be trained as an instructor. Two years ago she became certified in zumba, and one and a half years ago she became certified in Zumba Gold.

She took that certification class with fellow Boothbay area instructor Sarah Gudroe.

“Monica is fantastic,” student Heidi Larsen said. “I adore these classes.”

Churchill's class usually has six students between the ages of 40 and 70, but all ages and fitness levels are welcome. Classes are Mondays and Fridays at 4:30 p.m. at the Lions Clubhouse on Lakeview Road. The first class is always free, and just $5 a class after that. Interested people can contact Churchill at 207-633-2941 or at monica58music@gmail.com.

“It doesn't matter if I'm going left and you're going right,” Churchill said. “All that matters is that you are moving.”