Letter to the Editor

Write in Gottlieb

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 6:00am

Dear Editor:

Join me on Election Day and vote for write-in candidate Stephen Gottlieb for Lincoln County Register of Probate.

I’ve known Stephen for decades, and know him to have the integrity, intelligence and work ethic to do the job exceptionally well. Stephen has the right sort of experience from his years at Industrial Safety and Supply and Carousel Marina, as well as having run two successful small businesses — Small Boat Works, and now the Center Café.

Stephen has been active in community service as an officer in the Masonic Lodge, and he is a member of the Merchant Mariner Service. I’ve known Stephen as a father and a family man for decades.

I enthusiastically recommend Stephen Gottlieb for Lincoln County Register of Probate.

Stan Tupper
