Letter to the Editor

‘We the People’

Mon, 07/06/2015 - 9:00pm

Dear Editor:

State officials in high places too often need reminding that they serve at the pleasure of “We the People.”

Perhaps this is an apt time to reinforce the principle that our nation was formed by those who wished to be free. To be freed from autocratic leaders who, when elected to high places, attempt to employ strong-arm tactics to substitute their will against the people's.

Those engaging in thinly-veiled tyranny within a democratic system are best advised of the virtues of humility, of the urgency to tread softly, to daily reflect that they have been chosen to represent a free people who voluntarily are guided by laws they, through emissaries of their choosing, send up, freed of frivolous, vindictive actions, sent down by peevish leadership.

Paul E. McArdle
