Letter to the Editor

Troubled by Rep. Hawke’s responses in column

Tue, 09/13/2016 - 2:00pm

Dear Editor:

Joe Gelarden’s recent column “LePage Remarks Trouble Local Legislator” troubled me. His piece draws from his recent “wide-ranging interview after the (GOP) caucus” with Rep. Stephanie Hawke. What constituents should be able to glean from such an interview is what position our state representative takes on Governor LePage. It was basically a dismissal, and dodging at best. Not to mention her position on Question 3 is jarringly omitted.

It’s no surprise that Ms. Hawke would be against adjusting the minimum wage to a livable wage, as she’s devoted much of her life to waitressing in local restaurants. Perhaps she could adjust her car dealership staff to minimum wage and see how long they are able to pay their bills, feed a family, and live a financially secure existence.

Returning to our governor’s hostile, out-of-control behavior, it is compared to a childhood incident demanding a bar of soap applied to one’s mouth. Quoted as ‘offended,’ Hawke goes on to say ‘he apologized and it is time to move on.” Here is a golden opportunity for those who want to run government like a business: Paul LePage would be fired based on his behavior and actions. Ms. Hawke could demonstrate integrity by joining the four other GOP state legislators who support his impeachment. She wasn't elected to 'make people feel better’ about our errant governor. It’s her duty to do the right thing, regardless of party affiliation and their dictates.

Also troubling is the inclusion of 'death threats' from constituents against other legislators. It seems an attempt to deflect the exact same toxic behavior put on public display by our governor. The writer seems to willfully replace an impeachable offense with someone else’s sensational hearsay.

 “I wish it never had happened” is a failed response from someone elected to a leadership position tasked with representing us and acting on our behalf. It’s obvious what needs to be done. It’s equally obvious that party comes before doing the right thing in Rep. Hawke’s GOP. 

Gelarden's piece was all I needed to reaffirm my endorsement of Wendy Wolf to represent our district. Dr. Wolf strikes me as a critical thinker able to evaluate complex issues, and draw conclusions based on her own independent judgement.

Paula Ragsdale