Letter to the Editor

Transition to renewable power

Mon, 05/18/2015 - 2:30pm
Dear Editor:

Maine's future economic and environmental health is on the line this week at the Legislature. Bills focused on expanding renewables (solar energy and heat pumps) and preserving programs that help businesses and homeowners make their homes and facilities more energy efficient, will be worked on in the Maine Legislature's Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee. 

Across the state citizens of all economic means are coming together to form Community Solar Farms. These collaborations are open to homeowners, renters, businesses and others. Anyone in a utility service area can have a meter on a solar installation that matches their own facility meter and get credit for their solar generated kilowatts against kilowatts used from the grid. This is called net metering and right now this concept and Maine's growing solar industry is under attack from the utilities and Governor LePage. 
Maine's solar industry is growing across the state, providing good-paying and satisfying work for increasing numbers of employees. Businesses are spread out across the state and serve other New England states as well as their own communities. With the economy of scale afforded by bulk purchasing and installations in community solar farms/installations, Mainers can join the solar bandwagon if we can preserve the gains we have made through public policy.
Our family, of modest economic means, has chosen to live off- and on-grid over the past 25 years. We are glad to be generating power for ourselves and our neighbors with our grid tie. We are concerned that the health of Maine's coastal waters and productive clam flats, that have provided a livelihood for our neighbors over generations, are threatened by warming temperatures and acidification. Our state's dependence on fossil fuels stokes climate disruption and ocean acidification that are starting to drain our pocketbooks. A fast transition to renewable power is called for.
Please join me in contacting your representatives in state government and backing bills that provide a future for us all for generations to come.

Anne D. (Andy) Burt
